This is a FUN oriented event, with the focus on beginners, cadets and juniors; if you haven’t tried slalom before, this is your chance!

Please call Andrew Mylly at (604) 874-9983 for more information.

Volunteers are needed for the clinic and race, and to help set up the course on the weekend of March 24/25 – please call if you can help out.

Boats may be available through the Chilliwack Centre of Excellence – give me a call if you need to borrow equipment.

Hope to see you there!


Saturday March 24 @ 10:00am – Work party to set up the course

Sunday April 1st – Race Day:

9:00am arrive and get boats & equipment organized

10:00am fun clinic and open practice

12:30pm race start

2:00pm results


Hwy 1 Westbound: Exit onto Kensington Avenue at interchange 33. Stay right, going North. Take the first right at the lighted intersection with Sprott Street. You will pass the Burnaby Tennis Club on your right. You will come immediately to a T-junction; turn left (North) onto Sperling Avenue. Follow this until it ends at the locked gate. This is the parking area. Unload here and carry your boat, continuing past the gate on the old road surface. It is a five minute walk to the bridge which crosses Still Creek. This is where the race is. (If the gate is open you can drive in and drop off your boats, put you still have to park outside of the gate)

Hwy 1 Eastbound: Exit onto Sprott Street at interchange 32. Turn left onto Sprott Street. Follow Sprott Street approx. 1km to the lighted intersection with Kensington Avenue. Go straight through the intersection. You will pass the Burnaby Tennis Club on your right. You will come immediately to a T-junction; turn left (North) onto Sperling Avenue. Follow this until it ends at the locked gate. This is the parking area. Unload here and carry your boat, continuing past the gate on the old road surface. It is a five minute walk to the bridge which crosses Still Creek. This is where the race is.

Andrew Mylly
192 West 18th Ave.
Vancouver, BC V5Y 2A5
(604) 874-9983 home
(604) 329-3305

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